Thursday, August 15, 2019

Square Dancing

Does anyone remember this:

Go walkin' around the square, you really make a perfect pair,
Go right, go left, and form a star,
Shoot that start, left allemand
you pass your partner by,
do-si-do your taw [sic]
and then you promenade the ring and sing
I don't know why, I love you like I do,
I don't know why but I do....

Whenever I heard that as a kid, I always wanted to say, 'Dad! Wait! You don't know why but you DO know why? I don't get it!'

Anyway, I'm sure there are several more memories of Mom and Dad Square Dancing!


  1. I don't remember all those lyrics, but I definitely remember (only too well) the sappy and simplistic chorus. I think it was a hit ... and Googling it brings up a version by Dean Martin ... which I did NOT play.

    Was that a round dance? I'm pretty sure there was a square dance version to that song, but I don't remember if "forming a star" is a square dance or a round dance step.

  2. The thing I remember most about square dancing is carrying Dad's yak stack over across the street so he could call a square dance session.

  3. I remember round dances. Couples would line up and music would play and all the couples would individually execute a preordained choreography. There wasn't any square dance "calling" involved.

  4. Actually, round dances are guided by a caller, like square dancing, I'm pretty sure. The dances are completely choreographed ahead of time, but I remember Dad calling the steps as they came up, "swing, promenade, two turning two-steps," etc. There was no improvisation like the hoedown calls in square dancing, and the rhythm was a lot more sedate. Dad and Mom taught round dancing, too, as part of his square dance calling. And yes, I thought Dad's PA system was a heavy load to get across the street to the school. I much preferred the coffee urn or the food box. The was a food box, wasn't there?

  5. I remember Fridays at Main Street School. I helped Matt set up the chairs. I also remember indulging myself when I did some harmless roaming around that gymnasium.
